Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lego my Volvo?

Can't afford a new car? Build one out of Legos! I was going through the archives of when an article on a Volvo built from Lego blocks caught my attention. All I can say is "wow!" I cannot imagine the number of hours it took the team who put this together to assemble it, but this is amazing!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Breakfast at the Ararat Shrine Restaurant

Mmmm....yum! The restaurant at the Ararat Shrine Temple now serves breakfast on the 4th Saturday of the month. Patrick & I went to breakfast this morning and for under $20 we both had scrambled eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, potatoes, toast and juice.

What a deal! A fantastic breakfast meal cooked to order.

Totally off my diet mind you...but hey...once a month won't hurt, and the money goes back into the Shriner's Temple, and those men do a lot of good things.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

15 minutes

Shala the Mud Monster
Originally uploaded by heatherhoesly

15 minutes!! I swear! That's all she had been outside for. 15, 1-minute increments.

She wanted to go outside to chase the rabbits that have begun invading the yard.

15 minutes.

I looked outside to check on the progress of the ongoing rabbit eradication mission.

15 minutes?!

I think there's more mud there than dog! How did she get so muddy in 15 minutes? Still...I don't see any rabbits. I highly suspect that they've retreated under the shed and are sitting there giggling their little fuzzy tails off. Stupid rabbits.

15 minutes...really?!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Shala's On a Website!

A picture of my 2-year border collie has been used on a website!

Go See Shala

Pat took the picture when he caught her after she'd absconded with his house slipper and was just settling in for a good chew session. Needless to say...she did NOT get to keep the slipper.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I LOVE Simon's Cat

Give Her A Hand...

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Originally uploaded by heatherhoesly

Ok, so I was tired of all white. I had sort of been "stalking" this color for about a month. It was between "Cayenne" and another red-orange color called "Daredevil."

I chose wisely. Cayenne blends beautifully with the existing chili pepper border and goes nicely with the counter tops.

So far, I've only painted the pantry here, but I'm going to come back and paint the rest of the kitchen this color now that I know that I LOVE this color!

And I can't say enough good things about the folks at the Sherwin Williams on Barry Road. They waited patiently for me while I oohed and ahhhed and went back and forth over the paint samples for a month. They helped me with getting the right primer (a warm medium gray by the way). Then they told me to be patient. They warned me that this color would take several coats to come out the way I wanted. One coat of primer and 4 coats of paint later...ta da!!!

It was sooooooo worth it! Don't you think?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Twitter Over Capacity??! capacity! I can't...twitter! I can't...tweat! flashing...before my eyes! Can't...breathe! I...don't do with my time! I...can't...keep talking's driving me...crazy!

Seriously. So twitter is down. Although I do feel a bit sorry for the hard-core tweat-freak twits out there twitching because they can't get their tweat fix.

Ta ta!

I has it back! My precious! Its was gone for 6 hours its was! Gone! Gone! Repairing it they saids. Fixing it. Getting rids of the nasty busted pixels they were. But it's back! Back! precious...precious.

Monday, February 8, 2010

More stuff! More stuff!

I have added more items to my online portfolio. Check them out at

The Eyes! The Eyes!

The Eyes! The Eyes!
Originally uploaded by heatherhoesly

It's like this...I had some ravioli. The dogs wanted the ravioli. I didn't want to share the ravioli. They gave me..."the doggy eyes!" [insert ominous musical tones here].

What neither of them seem to have gotten through their little doggy brains is that after 8 years of Max's "doggy eyes" I'm pretty much immune to "the look."

Note I say "pretty much." This WAS two of them giving me "the look" at the same time. And they had both been very good dogs ALL DAY with no whining about anything else. And the cat DID get a treat earlier.

Ok, I admit it. They got to lick the bowl when I was done.

Happy now?!